Those I Have Not Met

By Lani Lam

Had I seen you on the street,
Unassuming and going about your day,
I would be inclined to say that you are a stranger—
Someone from another place, another time, not from mine. 

But you and I—we’re not so different.
Under the same moon that lights up the night and 
Under the same moon that knights each and every star with a sliver of silver, 
You and I, both, could say the sky looked beautiful.

And if you look even closer, I’d say we are quite similar!
Just like how you always write your alphabets so very meticulously,
Like how I always wear not one, not two, but three rings on my right hand,
You and I could say we are of the punctilious bunch. 

Of course, this is not to say that you are me and I am you.
But with your tendency to say “bye” too early in a conversation and
My blunt, coarse tone of voice,
To pass you by, to not know you, would be a shame. 

And to think, we once thought our unfamiliarity was our Achilles’ heel,
That you were a stranger, not like me at all.
You and I—we’re not so different;
And knowing this, I was somehow soothed and healed.

Lani Lam


Lani Lam is a first-year student at UC Davis pursuing a degree in English. She is a bit of a writing fiend, searching for inspiration in all sorts of locations, creatures, and scenarios. She dreams of Jane Austen novels and schemes dastardly plots in her free time. She aspires to become a better storyteller.


--they whinny as they go

